Regional Committees

Driving sound progress

Nominations & Remuneration Committee

This Committee is responsible for the appointment of GCRB and Glasgow college Board members, and the recruitment, performance and pay of GCRB employees. We ensure that GCRB has the people, skills, governance and employer practices that will support its ambitious goals for the Glasgow college region. GCRB’s development, its new fully fundable body status, and increasing collaboration have meant that this has been an active year for the Committee. Our priorities reflect this progress and focus on:

•Our employer arrangements, including our living wage accreditation and integration of Fair Work values.
•Board self-evaluation arrangements and an externally validated review processes.
•Development planning for the GCRB Board.
•Extending and strengthening collaboration with the colleges.

Nominations & Remuneration Committee papers 


Performance and Resources Committee

We are responsible for monitoring GCRB’s financial management and its performance. Regionalisation has generated interesting and productive work for the committee this year.  We have considered curriculum and estates planning, the withdrawal of ESF funding, and the challenges of creating consistent reporting practices across the three colleges. We have focused on:

Reviewing and developing our performance against our Regional Outcome Agreement.

Attracting more leaners from areas of multiple deprivation; 

The region’s capital funding policy and bidding process that prioritises equitable services for all.

The Committee will continue develop and strengthen our management of resources and performance over the coming year. We have also identified priorities:

•Development of regional strategies for Finance, Estates and ICT.
•Consolidating the regional annual accounts.
•Planning for the withdrawal of ESF funding.
•Supporting increases in additional childcare provision.
•Delivering ESOL provision across the Community Planning Partnerships.
•Delivering and developing the Flexible Workforce Development Funding.

Our remit lies at the heart of GCRB’s ambitions and delivery and we look forward to another year identifying and realising regional added value.

Performance and Resources Committee papers 


Audit Committee

This committee oversees the internal and external audit of GCRB’s financial, risk, corporate and accounts management. This year, our work has strengthened the processes that support growth and good management. We oversaw the selection of areas for internal audit and monitored the implementation of improvements recommended by both the internal and external audits. We have also considered risk management processes, accounting policies, anti-fraud and whistle-blowing processes, and relevant Audit Scotland Reports. Ensuring that GCRB fulfils the arrangements required of a fully operational fundable body, in the coming months, the committee will focus on:

•Consolidating the regional accounts to give an even and complete view of regional finances 
•Ensuring that GCRB fulfils the arrangements required of a fully operational fundable body.

We will also continue to:

•Consider internal and external audit reports and implement their recommendations.
•Review and improve arrangements for regional risk management.
•Evaluate GCRB’s value for money strategy.
•Strengthen links with college Audit Committees.

Audit Committee papers 


Read or download Annual Review here


Glasgow's regional performance

Inclusive colleges

Responsive colleges

Effective colleges