Responsive colleges

Aligning education with opportunities

Responsive colleges

The Glasgow Economic Strategy 2016-2023 aims to make Glasgow the most productive major city economy in the UK. Much of this success is already driven by people whose careers started with college learning.  To support Glasgow’s continued success and create career opportunities for its citizens, the Glasgow College Region is closely aligning college education with jobs and economic growth.

•In partnership with Skills Development Scotland, we now deliver the country’s largest Regional Foundation Apprenticeship. This is coordinated by a single regional team with specialist school and employer engagement staff.

•We have established Regional Curriculum Hubs for economic growth sectors to create a structure of sector-specific expertise for Glasgow. 

•We have set regional and college credit activity targets for key economic sectors to align the curriculum to identified employment needs.

•In 2016, 97% of Glasgow’s fulltime college leavers progressed to work, training and/or further study within six months of qualifying.

•By working closely with schools on the Developing the Young Workforce programme, we have increased the range and relevance of Senior Phase college learning opportunities.



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Glasgow's regional performance

Inclusive colleges

Responsive colleges

Effective colleges

Regional committees