End of term message

26 June 2020
A message from Janie McCusker, Chair of Glasgow Colleges’ Regional Board:

A message from Janie McCusker, Chair of Glasgow Colleges’ Regional Board: 

“As this extraordinary college term draws to a close, I want to take this opportunity to reflect on the region's work and highlight some of our key achievements during what has been a challenging time for everyone.  

"Earlier this year, we welcomed the First Minister to our region, who commended our brand new partnership service with Action for Children, aimed at supporting care-experienced learners in our colleges. 

“The Minister for Childcare and Early Learning, Maree Todd, also visited the region and was provided with an overview of the work being delivered to support the Scottish Government’s pledge to expand the provision of free early learning and childcare in 2020. 

“In mid-March, our college buildings closed due to the coronavirus pandemic. I am immensely proud of the Glasgow region, and its associated colleges, who have proven to be adaptable, resilient and agile in facing a series of challenges, while continuing to operate with a clear civic conscience.  

"We collectively embraced new ways of working, remote learning and teaching and I want to thank you all for your continued commitment and focus. We are also very proud of all those who contributed and supported the wider community during this time.  

“Mental Health and wellbeing is one of our key priority areas and this year we have made considerable progress in strengthening the support available for students and staff across the region, working in partnership with Charlie Waller Memorial Trust.  

"We also launched award-winning digital mental health support service The Big White Wall at the start of lockdown, which I hope has been a valuable asset to anyone seeking additional support. Our thoughts are with those who have faced difficulties and experienced loss during this time.  

“Glasgow Colleges’ Regional Board allocated additional funding to each Glasgow college to support students facing poverty and digital poverty. New laptops were also provided to care-experienced students during lockdown as part of our Action for Children project, which was recently recognised in the Scottish Parliament.  

“At Glasgow Colleges’ Regional Board, we are pleased with the progress we have made in building Scotland’s most inclusive, responsive and effective college system throughout this year. This work will continue at GCRB and Glasgow’s three colleges over the summer period.  

"Plans are now progressing for the return to our colleges, in accordance with the Scottish Government guidelines, and each college is taking the necessary steps to ensure the safety of staff and students.  

"In the meantime, we hope you and your families stay safe this summer and look forward to seeing everyone in the new term."